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add_conditional_edges(source: str, path: Union[Callable[..., Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]], Callable[..., Awaitable[Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]]], Runnable[Any, Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]]], path_map: Optional[Union[dict[Hashable, str], list[str]]] = None, then: Optional[str] = None) -> Self

Add a conditional edge from the starting node to any number of destination nodes.


  • source (str) –

    The starting node. This conditional edge will run when exiting this node.

  • path (Union[Callable, Runnable]) –

    The callable that determines the next node or nodes. If not specifying path_map it should return one or more nodes. If it returns END, the graph will stop execution.

  • path_map (Optional[dict[Hashable, str]], default: None ) –

    Optional mapping of paths to node names. If omitted the paths returned by path should be node names.

  • then (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The name of a node to execute after the nodes selected by path.


  • Self ( Self ) –

    The instance of the graph, allowing for method chaining.

Without typehints on the path function's return value (e.g., -> Literal["foo", "__end__"]:)

or a path_map, the graph visualization assumes the edge could transition to any node in the graph.

set_entry_point(key: str) -> Self

Specifies the first node to be called in the graph.

Equivalent to calling add_edge(START, key).


  • key (str) –

    The key of the node to set as the entry point.


  • Self ( Self ) –

    The instance of the graph, allowing for method chaining.

set_conditional_entry_point(path: Union[Callable[..., Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]], Callable[..., Awaitable[Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]]], Runnable[Any, Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]]], path_map: Optional[Union[dict[Hashable, str], list[str]]] = None, then: Optional[str] = None) -> Self

Sets a conditional entry point in the graph.


  • path (Union[Callable, Runnable]) –

    The callable that determines the next node or nodes. If not specifying path_map it should return one or more nodes. If it returns END, the graph will stop execution.

  • path_map (Optional[dict[str, str]], default: None ) –

    Optional mapping of paths to node names. If omitted the paths returned by path should be node names.

  • then (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The name of a node to execute after the nodes selected by path.


  • Self ( Self ) –

    The instance of the graph, allowing for method chaining.

set_finish_point(key: str) -> Self

Marks a node as a finish point of the graph.

If the graph reaches this node, it will cease execution.


  • key (str) –

    The key of the node to set as the finish point.


  • Self ( Self ) –

    The instance of the graph, allowing for method chaining.


Bases: Pregel

stream_mode: StreamMode = stream_mode class-attribute instance-attribute

Mode to stream output, defaults to 'values'.

stream_eager: bool = stream_eager class-attribute instance-attribute

Whether to force emitting stream events eagerly, automatically turned on for stream_mode "messages" and "custom".

stream_channels: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = stream_channels class-attribute instance-attribute

Channels to stream, defaults to all channels not in reserved channels

step_timeout: Optional[float] = step_timeout class-attribute instance-attribute

Maximum time to wait for a step to complete, in seconds. Defaults to None.

debug: bool = debug if debug is not None else get_debug() instance-attribute

Whether to print debug information during execution. Defaults to False.

checkpointer: Checkpointer = checkpointer class-attribute instance-attribute

Checkpointer used to save and load graph state. Defaults to None.

store: Optional[BaseStore] = store class-attribute instance-attribute

Memory store to use for SharedValues. Defaults to None.

retry_policy: Optional[RetryPolicy] = retry_policy class-attribute instance-attribute

Retry policy to use when running tasks. Set to None to disable.

get_state(config: RunnableConfig, *, subgraphs: bool = False) -> StateSnapshot

Get the current state of the graph.

aget_state(config: RunnableConfig, *, subgraphs: bool = False) -> StateSnapshot async

Get the current state of the graph.

update_state(config: RunnableConfig, values: Optional[Union[dict[str, Any], Any]], as_node: Optional[str] = None) -> RunnableConfig

Update the state of the graph with the given values, as if they came from node as_node. If as_node is not provided, it will be set to the last node that updated the state, if not ambiguous.

aupdate_state(config: RunnableConfig, values: dict[str, Any] | Any, as_node: Optional[str] = None) -> RunnableConfig async

Update the state of the graph asynchronously with the given values, as if they came from node as_node. If as_node is not provided, it will be set to the last node that updated the state, if not ambiguous.

stream(input: Union[dict[str, Any], Any], config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, stream_mode: Optional[Union[StreamMode, list[StreamMode]]] = None, output_keys: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_before: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_after: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, subgraphs: bool = False) -> Iterator[Union[dict[str, Any], Any]]

Stream graph steps for a single input.


  • input (Union[dict[str, Any], Any]) –

    The input to the graph.

  • config (Optional[RunnableConfig], default: None ) –

    The configuration to use for the run.

  • stream_mode (Optional[Union[StreamMode, list[StreamMode]]], default: None ) –

    The mode to stream output, defaults to self.stream_mode. Options are:

    • "values": Emit all values in the state after each step. When used with functional API, values are emitted once at the end of the workflow.
    • "updates": Emit only the node or task names and updates returned by the nodes or tasks after each step. If multiple updates are made in the same step (e.g. multiple nodes are run) then those updates are emitted separately.
    • "custom": Emit custom data from inside nodes or tasks using StreamWriter.
    • "messages": Emit LLM messages token-by-token together with metadata for any LLM invocations inside nodes or tasks.
    • "debug": Emit debug events with as much information as possible for each step.
  • output_keys (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    The keys to stream, defaults to all non-context channels.

  • interrupt_before (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Nodes to interrupt before, defaults to all nodes in the graph.

  • interrupt_after (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Nodes to interrupt after, defaults to all nodes in the graph.

  • debug (Optional[bool], default: None ) –

    Whether to print debug information during execution, defaults to False.

  • subgraphs (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to stream subgraphs, defaults to False.


  • Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

    The output of each step in the graph. The output shape depends on the stream_mode.


Using different stream modes with a graph:

>>> import operator
>>> from typing_extensions import Annotated, TypedDict
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START
>>> class State(TypedDict):
...     alist: Annotated[list, operator.add]
...     another_list: Annotated[list, operator.add]
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", lambda _state: {"another_list": ["hi"]})
>>> builder.add_node("b", lambda _state: {"alist": ["there"]})
>>> builder.add_edge("a", "b")
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
With stream_mode="values":

>>> for event in{"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="values"']}, stream_mode="values"):
...     print(event)
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"'], 'another_list': []}
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"'], 'another_list': ['hi']}
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"', 'there'], 'another_list': ['hi']}
With stream_mode="updates":

>>> for event in{"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="updates"']}, stream_mode="updates"):
...     print(event)
{'a': {'another_list': ['hi']}}
{'b': {'alist': ['there']}}
With stream_mode="debug":

>>> for event in{"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"']}, stream_mode="debug"):
...     print(event)
{'type': 'task', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 1, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'a', 'input': {'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"'], 'another_list': []}, 'triggers': ['start:a']}}
{'type': 'task_result', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 1, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'a', 'result': [('another_list', ['hi'])]}}
{'type': 'task', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 2, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'b', 'input': {'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"'], 'another_list': ['hi']}, 'triggers': ['a']}}
{'type': 'task_result', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 2, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'b', 'result': [('alist', ['there'])]}}

With stream_mode="custom":

>>> from langgraph.types import StreamWriter
>>> def node_a(state: State, writer: StreamWriter):
...     writer({"custom_data": "foo"})
...     return {"alist": ["hi"]}
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", node_a)
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
>>> for event in{"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="custom"']}, stream_mode="custom"):
...     print(event)
{'custom_data': 'foo'}

With stream_mode="messages":

>>> from typing_extensions import Annotated, TypedDict
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START
>>> from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
>>> llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
>>> class State(TypedDict):
...     question: str
...     answer: str
>>> def node_a(state: State):
...     response = llm.invoke(state["question"])
...     return {"answer": response.content}
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", node_a)
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()

>>> for event in{"question": "What is the capital of France?"}, stream_mode="messages"):
...     print(event)
(AIMessageChunk(content='The', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {'langgraph_step': 1, 'langgraph_node': 'a', 'langgraph_triggers': ['start:a'], 'langgraph_path': ('__pregel_pull', 'a'), 'langgraph_checkpoint_ns': '...', 'checkpoint_ns': '...', 'ls_provider': 'openai', 'ls_model_name': 'gpt-4o-mini', 'ls_model_type': 'chat', 'ls_temperature': 0.7})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' capital', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {'langgraph_step': 1, 'langgraph_node': 'a', 'langgraph_triggers': ['start:a'], ...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' of', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' France', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' is', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' Paris', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})

astream(input: Union[dict[str, Any], Any], config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, stream_mode: Optional[Union[StreamMode, list[StreamMode]]] = None, output_keys: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_before: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_after: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, subgraphs: bool = False) -> AsyncIterator[Union[dict[str, Any], Any]] async

Stream graph steps for a single input.


  • input (Union[dict[str, Any], Any]) –

    The input to the graph.

  • config (Optional[RunnableConfig], default: None ) –

    The configuration to use for the run.

  • stream_mode (Optional[Union[StreamMode, list[StreamMode]]], default: None ) –

    The mode to stream output, defaults to self.stream_mode. Options are:

    • "values": Emit all values in the state after each step. When used with functional API, values are emitted once at the end of the workflow.
    • "updates": Emit only the node or task names and updates returned by the nodes or tasks after each step. If multiple updates are made in the same step (e.g. multiple nodes are run) then those updates are emitted separately.
    • "custom": Emit custom data from inside nodes or tasks using StreamWriter.
    • "messages": Emit LLM messages token-by-token together with metadata for any LLM invocations inside nodes or tasks.
    • "debug": Emit debug events with as much information as possible for each step.
  • output_keys (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    The keys to stream, defaults to all non-context channels.

  • interrupt_before (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Nodes to interrupt before, defaults to all nodes in the graph.

  • interrupt_after (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Nodes to interrupt after, defaults to all nodes in the graph.

  • debug (Optional[bool], default: None ) –

    Whether to print debug information during execution, defaults to False.

  • subgraphs (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to stream subgraphs, defaults to False.


  • AsyncIterator[Union[dict[str, Any], Any]]

    The output of each step in the graph. The output shape depends on the stream_mode.


Using different stream modes with a graph:

>>> import operator
>>> from typing_extensions import Annotated, TypedDict
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START
>>> class State(TypedDict):
...     alist: Annotated[list, operator.add]
...     another_list: Annotated[list, operator.add]
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", lambda _state: {"another_list": ["hi"]})
>>> builder.add_node("b", lambda _state: {"alist": ["there"]})
>>> builder.add_edge("a", "b")
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
With stream_mode="values":

>>> async for event in graph.astream({"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="values"']}, stream_mode="values"):
...     print(event)
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"'], 'another_list': []}
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"'], 'another_list': ['hi']}
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"', 'there'], 'another_list': ['hi']}
With stream_mode="updates":

>>> async for event in graph.astream({"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="updates"']}, stream_mode="updates"):
...     print(event)
{'a': {'another_list': ['hi']}}
{'b': {'alist': ['there']}}
With stream_mode="debug":

>>> async for event in graph.astream({"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"']}, stream_mode="debug"):
...     print(event)
{'type': 'task', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 1, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'a', 'input': {'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"'], 'another_list': []}, 'triggers': ['start:a']}}
{'type': 'task_result', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 1, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'a', 'result': [('another_list', ['hi'])]}}
{'type': 'task', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 2, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'b', 'input': {'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"'], 'another_list': ['hi']}, 'triggers': ['a']}}
{'type': 'task_result', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 2, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'b', 'result': [('alist', ['there'])]}}

With stream_mode="custom":

>>> from langgraph.types import StreamWriter
>>> async def node_a(state: State, writer: StreamWriter):
...     writer({"custom_data": "foo"})
...     return {"alist": ["hi"]}
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", node_a)
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
>>> async for event in graph.astream({"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="custom"']}, stream_mode="custom"):
...     print(event)
{'custom_data': 'foo'}

With stream_mode="messages":

>>> from typing_extensions import Annotated, TypedDict
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START
>>> from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
>>> llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
>>> class State(TypedDict):
...     question: str
...     answer: str
>>> async def node_a(state: State):
...     response = await llm.ainvoke(state["question"])
...     return {"answer": response.content}
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", node_a)
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()

>>> for event in{"question": "What is the capital of France?"}, stream_mode="messages"):
...     print(event)
(AIMessageChunk(content='The', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {'langgraph_step': 1, 'langgraph_node': 'a', 'langgraph_triggers': ['start:a'], 'langgraph_path': ('__pregel_pull', 'a'), 'langgraph_checkpoint_ns': '...', 'checkpoint_ns': '...', 'ls_provider': 'openai', 'ls_model_name': 'gpt-4o-mini', 'ls_model_type': 'chat', 'ls_temperature': 0.7})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' capital', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {'langgraph_step': 1, 'langgraph_node': 'a', 'langgraph_triggers': ['start:a'], ...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' of', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' France', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' is', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' Paris', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})

invoke(input: Union[dict[str, Any], Any], config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, stream_mode: StreamMode = 'values', output_keys: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_before: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_after: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

Run the graph with a single input and config.


  • input (Union[dict[str, Any], Any]) –

    The input data for the graph. It can be a dictionary or any other type.

  • config (Optional[RunnableConfig], default: None ) –

    Optional. The configuration for the graph run.

  • stream_mode (StreamMode, default: 'values' ) –

    Optional[str]. The stream mode for the graph run. Default is "values".

  • output_keys (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The output keys to retrieve from the graph run.

  • interrupt_before (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The nodes to interrupt the graph run before.

  • interrupt_after (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The nodes to interrupt the graph run after.

  • debug (Optional[bool], default: None ) –

    Optional. Enable debug mode for the graph run.

  • **kwargs (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional keyword arguments to pass to the graph run.


  • Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

    The output of the graph run. If stream_mode is "values", it returns the latest output.

  • Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

    If stream_mode is not "values", it returns a list of output chunks.

ainvoke(input: Union[dict[str, Any], Any], config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, stream_mode: StreamMode = 'values', output_keys: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_before: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_after: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[dict[str, Any], Any] async

Asynchronously invoke the graph on a single input.


  • input (Union[dict[str, Any], Any]) –

    The input data for the computation. It can be a dictionary or any other type.

  • config (Optional[RunnableConfig], default: None ) –

    Optional. The configuration for the computation.

  • stream_mode (StreamMode, default: 'values' ) –

    Optional. The stream mode for the computation. Default is "values".

  • output_keys (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The output keys to include in the result. Default is None.

  • interrupt_before (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The nodes to interrupt before. Default is None.

  • interrupt_after (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The nodes to interrupt after. Default is None.

  • debug (Optional[bool], default: None ) –

    Optional. Whether to enable debug mode. Default is None.

  • **kwargs (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional keyword arguments.


  • Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

    The result of the computation. If stream_mode is "values", it returns the latest value.

  • Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

    If stream_mode is "chunks", it returns a list of chunks.

get_graph(config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, xray: Union[int, bool] = False) -> DrawableGraph

Returns a drawable representation of the computation graph.


Bases: Graph

A graph whose nodes communicate by reading and writing to a shared state. The signature of each node is State -> Partial.

Each state key can optionally be annotated with a reducer function that will be used to aggregate the values of that key received from multiple nodes. The signature of a reducer function is (Value, Value) -> Value.


  • state_schema (Type[Any], default: None ) –

    The schema class that defines the state.

  • config_schema (Optional[Type[Any]], default: None ) –

    The schema class that defines the configuration. Use this to expose configurable parameters in your API.


>>> from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableConfig
>>> from typing_extensions import Annotated, TypedDict
>>> from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph
>>> def reducer(a: list, b: int | None) -> list:
...     if b is not None:
...         return a + [b]
...     return a
>>> class State(TypedDict):
...     x: Annotated[list, reducer]
>>> class ConfigSchema(TypedDict):
...     r: float
>>> graph = StateGraph(State, config_schema=ConfigSchema)
>>> def node(state: State, config: RunnableConfig) -> dict:
...     r = config["configurable"].get("r", 1.0)
...     x = state["x"][-1]
...     next_value = x * r * (1 - x)
...     return {"x": next_value}
>>> graph.add_node("A", node)
>>> graph.set_entry_point("A")
>>> graph.set_finish_point("A")
>>> compiled = graph.compile()
>>> print(compiled.config_specs)
[ConfigurableFieldSpec(id='r', annotation=<class 'float'>, name=None, description=None, default=None, is_shared=False, dependencies=None)]
>>> step1 = compiled.invoke({"x": 0.5}, {"configurable": {"r": 3.0}})
>>> print(step1)
{'x': [0.5, 0.75]}

add_conditional_edges(source: str, path: Union[Callable[..., Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]], Callable[..., Awaitable[Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]]], Runnable[Any, Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]]], path_map: Optional[Union[dict[Hashable, str], list[str]]] = None, then: Optional[str] = None) -> Self

Add a conditional edge from the starting node to any number of destination nodes.


  • source (str) –

    The starting node. This conditional edge will run when exiting this node.

  • path (Union[Callable, Runnable]) –

    The callable that determines the next node or nodes. If not specifying path_map it should return one or more nodes. If it returns END, the graph will stop execution.

  • path_map (Optional[dict[Hashable, str]], default: None ) –

    Optional mapping of paths to node names. If omitted the paths returned by path should be node names.

  • then (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The name of a node to execute after the nodes selected by path.


  • Self ( Self ) –

    The instance of the graph, allowing for method chaining.

Without typehints on the path function's return value (e.g., -> Literal["foo", "__end__"]:)

or a path_map, the graph visualization assumes the edge could transition to any node in the graph.

set_entry_point(key: str) -> Self

Specifies the first node to be called in the graph.

Equivalent to calling add_edge(START, key).


  • key (str) –

    The key of the node to set as the entry point.


  • Self ( Self ) –

    The instance of the graph, allowing for method chaining.

set_conditional_entry_point(path: Union[Callable[..., Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]], Callable[..., Awaitable[Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]]], Runnable[Any, Union[Hashable, list[Hashable]]]], path_map: Optional[Union[dict[Hashable, str], list[str]]] = None, then: Optional[str] = None) -> Self

Sets a conditional entry point in the graph.


  • path (Union[Callable, Runnable]) –

    The callable that determines the next node or nodes. If not specifying path_map it should return one or more nodes. If it returns END, the graph will stop execution.

  • path_map (Optional[dict[str, str]], default: None ) –

    Optional mapping of paths to node names. If omitted the paths returned by path should be node names.

  • then (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The name of a node to execute after the nodes selected by path.


  • Self ( Self ) –

    The instance of the graph, allowing for method chaining.

set_finish_point(key: str) -> Self

Marks a node as a finish point of the graph.

If the graph reaches this node, it will cease execution.


  • key (str) –

    The key of the node to set as the finish point.


  • Self ( Self ) –

    The instance of the graph, allowing for method chaining.

add_node(node: Union[str, RunnableLike], action: Optional[RunnableLike] = None, *, metadata: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, input: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, retry: Optional[RetryPolicy] = None, destinations: Optional[Union[dict[str, str], tuple[str]]] = None) -> Self

Adds a new node to the state graph.

Will take the name of the function/runnable as the node name.


  • node (Union[str, RunnableLike]) –

    The function or runnable this node will run.

  • action (Optional[RunnableLike], default: None ) –

    The action associated with the node. (default: None)

  • metadata (Optional[dict[str, Any]], default: None ) –

    The metadata associated with the node. (default: None)

  • input (Optional[Type[Any]], default: None ) –

    The input schema for the node. (default: the graph's input schema)

  • retry (Optional[RetryPolicy], default: None ) –

    The policy for retrying the node. (default: None)

  • destinations (Optional[Union[dict[str, str], tuple[str]]], default: None ) –

    Destinations that indicate where a node can route to. This is useful for edgeless graphs with nodes that return Command objects. If a dict is provided, the keys will be used as the target node names and the values will be used as the labels for the edges. If a tuple is provided, the values will be used as the target node names. NOTE: this is only used for graph rendering and doesn't have any effect on the graph execution.

Raises: ValueError: If the key is already being used as a state key.


>>> from langgraph.graph import START, StateGraph
>>> def my_node(state, config):
...    return {"x": state["x"] + 1}
>>> builder = StateGraph(dict)
>>> builder.add_node(my_node)  # node name will be 'my_node'
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "my_node")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
>>> graph.invoke({"x": 1})
{'x': 2}
Customize the name:

>>> builder = StateGraph(dict)
>>> builder.add_node("my_fair_node", my_node)
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "my_fair_node")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
>>> graph.invoke({"x": 1})
{'x': 2}


  • Self ( Self ) –

    The instance of the state graph, allowing for method chaining.

add_edge(start_key: Union[str, list[str]], end_key: str) -> Self

Adds a directed edge from the start node (or list of start nodes) to the end node.

When a single start node is provided, the graph will wait for that node to complete before executing the end node. When multiple start nodes are provided, the graph will wait for ALL of the start nodes to complete before executing the end node.


  • start_key (Union[str, list[str]]) –

    The key(s) of the start node(s) of the edge.

  • end_key (str) –

    The key of the end node of the edge.


  • ValueError

    If the start key is 'END' or if the start key or end key is not present in the graph.


  • Self ( Self ) –

    The instance of the state graph, allowing for method chaining.

add_sequence(nodes: Sequence[Union[RunnableLike, tuple[str, RunnableLike]]]) -> Self

Add a sequence of nodes that will be executed in the provided order.


  • nodes (Sequence[Union[RunnableLike, tuple[str, RunnableLike]]]) –

    A sequence of RunnableLike objects (e.g. a LangChain Runnable or a callable) or (name, RunnableLike) tuples. If no names are provided, the name will be inferred from the node object (e.g. a runnable or a callable name). Each node will be executed in the order provided.


  • ValueError

    if the sequence is empty.

  • ValueError

    if the sequence contains duplicate node names.


  • Self ( Self ) –

    The instance of the state graph, allowing for method chaining.

compile(checkpointer: Checkpointer = None, *, store: Optional[BaseStore] = None, interrupt_before: Optional[Union[All, list[str]]] = None, interrupt_after: Optional[Union[All, list[str]]] = None, debug: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None) -> CompiledStateGraph

Compiles the state graph into a CompiledGraph object.

The compiled graph implements the Runnable interface and can be invoked, streamed, batched, and run asynchronously.


  • checkpointer (Optional[Union[Checkpointer, Literal[False]]], default: None ) –

    A checkpoint saver object or flag. If provided, this Checkpointer serves as a fully versioned "short-term memory" for the graph, allowing it to be paused, resumed, and replayed from any point. If None, it may inherit the parent graph's checkpointer when used as a subgraph. If False, it will not use or inherit any checkpointer.

  • interrupt_before (Optional[Sequence[str]], default: None ) –

    An optional list of node names to interrupt before.

  • interrupt_after (Optional[Sequence[str]], default: None ) –

    An optional list of node names to interrupt after.

  • debug (bool, default: False ) –

    A flag indicating whether to enable debug mode.


  • CompiledStateGraph ( CompiledStateGraph ) –

    The compiled state graph.


Bases: CompiledGraph

stream_mode: StreamMode = stream_mode class-attribute instance-attribute

Mode to stream output, defaults to 'values'.

stream_eager: bool = stream_eager class-attribute instance-attribute

Whether to force emitting stream events eagerly, automatically turned on for stream_mode "messages" and "custom".

stream_channels: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = stream_channels class-attribute instance-attribute

Channels to stream, defaults to all channels not in reserved channels

step_timeout: Optional[float] = step_timeout class-attribute instance-attribute

Maximum time to wait for a step to complete, in seconds. Defaults to None.

debug: bool = debug if debug is not None else get_debug() instance-attribute

Whether to print debug information during execution. Defaults to False.

checkpointer: Checkpointer = checkpointer class-attribute instance-attribute

Checkpointer used to save and load graph state. Defaults to None.

store: Optional[BaseStore] = store class-attribute instance-attribute

Memory store to use for SharedValues. Defaults to None.

retry_policy: Optional[RetryPolicy] = retry_policy class-attribute instance-attribute

Retry policy to use when running tasks. Set to None to disable.

get_graph(config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, xray: Union[int, bool] = False) -> DrawableGraph

Returns a drawable representation of the computation graph.

get_state(config: RunnableConfig, *, subgraphs: bool = False) -> StateSnapshot

Get the current state of the graph.

aget_state(config: RunnableConfig, *, subgraphs: bool = False) -> StateSnapshot async

Get the current state of the graph.

update_state(config: RunnableConfig, values: Optional[Union[dict[str, Any], Any]], as_node: Optional[str] = None) -> RunnableConfig

Update the state of the graph with the given values, as if they came from node as_node. If as_node is not provided, it will be set to the last node that updated the state, if not ambiguous.

aupdate_state(config: RunnableConfig, values: dict[str, Any] | Any, as_node: Optional[str] = None) -> RunnableConfig async

Update the state of the graph asynchronously with the given values, as if they came from node as_node. If as_node is not provided, it will be set to the last node that updated the state, if not ambiguous.

stream(input: Union[dict[str, Any], Any], config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, stream_mode: Optional[Union[StreamMode, list[StreamMode]]] = None, output_keys: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_before: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_after: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, subgraphs: bool = False) -> Iterator[Union[dict[str, Any], Any]]

Stream graph steps for a single input.


  • input (Union[dict[str, Any], Any]) –

    The input to the graph.

  • config (Optional[RunnableConfig], default: None ) –

    The configuration to use for the run.

  • stream_mode (Optional[Union[StreamMode, list[StreamMode]]], default: None ) –

    The mode to stream output, defaults to self.stream_mode. Options are:

    • "values": Emit all values in the state after each step. When used with functional API, values are emitted once at the end of the workflow.
    • "updates": Emit only the node or task names and updates returned by the nodes or tasks after each step. If multiple updates are made in the same step (e.g. multiple nodes are run) then those updates are emitted separately.
    • "custom": Emit custom data from inside nodes or tasks using StreamWriter.
    • "messages": Emit LLM messages token-by-token together with metadata for any LLM invocations inside nodes or tasks.
    • "debug": Emit debug events with as much information as possible for each step.
  • output_keys (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    The keys to stream, defaults to all non-context channels.

  • interrupt_before (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Nodes to interrupt before, defaults to all nodes in the graph.

  • interrupt_after (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Nodes to interrupt after, defaults to all nodes in the graph.

  • debug (Optional[bool], default: None ) –

    Whether to print debug information during execution, defaults to False.

  • subgraphs (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to stream subgraphs, defaults to False.


  • Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

    The output of each step in the graph. The output shape depends on the stream_mode.


Using different stream modes with a graph:

>>> import operator
>>> from typing_extensions import Annotated, TypedDict
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START
>>> class State(TypedDict):
...     alist: Annotated[list, operator.add]
...     another_list: Annotated[list, operator.add]
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", lambda _state: {"another_list": ["hi"]})
>>> builder.add_node("b", lambda _state: {"alist": ["there"]})
>>> builder.add_edge("a", "b")
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
With stream_mode="values":

>>> for event in{"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="values"']}, stream_mode="values"):
...     print(event)
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"'], 'another_list': []}
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"'], 'another_list': ['hi']}
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"', 'there'], 'another_list': ['hi']}
With stream_mode="updates":

>>> for event in{"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="updates"']}, stream_mode="updates"):
...     print(event)
{'a': {'another_list': ['hi']}}
{'b': {'alist': ['there']}}
With stream_mode="debug":

>>> for event in{"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"']}, stream_mode="debug"):
...     print(event)
{'type': 'task', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 1, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'a', 'input': {'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"'], 'another_list': []}, 'triggers': ['start:a']}}
{'type': 'task_result', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 1, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'a', 'result': [('another_list', ['hi'])]}}
{'type': 'task', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 2, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'b', 'input': {'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"'], 'another_list': ['hi']}, 'triggers': ['a']}}
{'type': 'task_result', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 2, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'b', 'result': [('alist', ['there'])]}}

With stream_mode="custom":

>>> from langgraph.types import StreamWriter
>>> def node_a(state: State, writer: StreamWriter):
...     writer({"custom_data": "foo"})
...     return {"alist": ["hi"]}
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", node_a)
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
>>> for event in{"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="custom"']}, stream_mode="custom"):
...     print(event)
{'custom_data': 'foo'}

With stream_mode="messages":

>>> from typing_extensions import Annotated, TypedDict
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START
>>> from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
>>> llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
>>> class State(TypedDict):
...     question: str
...     answer: str
>>> def node_a(state: State):
...     response = llm.invoke(state["question"])
...     return {"answer": response.content}
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", node_a)
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()

>>> for event in{"question": "What is the capital of France?"}, stream_mode="messages"):
...     print(event)
(AIMessageChunk(content='The', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {'langgraph_step': 1, 'langgraph_node': 'a', 'langgraph_triggers': ['start:a'], 'langgraph_path': ('__pregel_pull', 'a'), 'langgraph_checkpoint_ns': '...', 'checkpoint_ns': '...', 'ls_provider': 'openai', 'ls_model_name': 'gpt-4o-mini', 'ls_model_type': 'chat', 'ls_temperature': 0.7})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' capital', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {'langgraph_step': 1, 'langgraph_node': 'a', 'langgraph_triggers': ['start:a'], ...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' of', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' France', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' is', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' Paris', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})

astream(input: Union[dict[str, Any], Any], config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, stream_mode: Optional[Union[StreamMode, list[StreamMode]]] = None, output_keys: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_before: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_after: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, subgraphs: bool = False) -> AsyncIterator[Union[dict[str, Any], Any]] async

Stream graph steps for a single input.


  • input (Union[dict[str, Any], Any]) –

    The input to the graph.

  • config (Optional[RunnableConfig], default: None ) –

    The configuration to use for the run.

  • stream_mode (Optional[Union[StreamMode, list[StreamMode]]], default: None ) –

    The mode to stream output, defaults to self.stream_mode. Options are:

    • "values": Emit all values in the state after each step. When used with functional API, values are emitted once at the end of the workflow.
    • "updates": Emit only the node or task names and updates returned by the nodes or tasks after each step. If multiple updates are made in the same step (e.g. multiple nodes are run) then those updates are emitted separately.
    • "custom": Emit custom data from inside nodes or tasks using StreamWriter.
    • "messages": Emit LLM messages token-by-token together with metadata for any LLM invocations inside nodes or tasks.
    • "debug": Emit debug events with as much information as possible for each step.
  • output_keys (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    The keys to stream, defaults to all non-context channels.

  • interrupt_before (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Nodes to interrupt before, defaults to all nodes in the graph.

  • interrupt_after (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Nodes to interrupt after, defaults to all nodes in the graph.

  • debug (Optional[bool], default: None ) –

    Whether to print debug information during execution, defaults to False.

  • subgraphs (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to stream subgraphs, defaults to False.


  • AsyncIterator[Union[dict[str, Any], Any]]

    The output of each step in the graph. The output shape depends on the stream_mode.


Using different stream modes with a graph:

>>> import operator
>>> from typing_extensions import Annotated, TypedDict
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START
>>> class State(TypedDict):
...     alist: Annotated[list, operator.add]
...     another_list: Annotated[list, operator.add]
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", lambda _state: {"another_list": ["hi"]})
>>> builder.add_node("b", lambda _state: {"alist": ["there"]})
>>> builder.add_edge("a", "b")
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
With stream_mode="values":

>>> async for event in graph.astream({"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="values"']}, stream_mode="values"):
...     print(event)
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"'], 'another_list': []}
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"'], 'another_list': ['hi']}
{'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="values"', 'there'], 'another_list': ['hi']}
With stream_mode="updates":

>>> async for event in graph.astream({"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="updates"']}, stream_mode="updates"):
...     print(event)
{'a': {'another_list': ['hi']}}
{'b': {'alist': ['there']}}
With stream_mode="debug":

>>> async for event in graph.astream({"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"']}, stream_mode="debug"):
...     print(event)
{'type': 'task', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 1, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'a', 'input': {'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"'], 'another_list': []}, 'triggers': ['start:a']}}
{'type': 'task_result', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 1, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'a', 'result': [('another_list', ['hi'])]}}
{'type': 'task', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 2, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'b', 'input': {'alist': ['Ex for stream_mode="debug"'], 'another_list': ['hi']}, 'triggers': ['a']}}
{'type': 'task_result', 'timestamp': '2024-06-23T...+00:00', 'step': 2, 'payload': {'id': '...', 'name': 'b', 'result': [('alist', ['there'])]}}

With stream_mode="custom":

>>> from langgraph.types import StreamWriter
>>> async def node_a(state: State, writer: StreamWriter):
...     writer({"custom_data": "foo"})
...     return {"alist": ["hi"]}
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", node_a)
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
>>> async for event in graph.astream({"alist": ['Ex for stream_mode="custom"']}, stream_mode="custom"):
...     print(event)
{'custom_data': 'foo'}

With stream_mode="messages":

>>> from typing_extensions import Annotated, TypedDict
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START
>>> from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
>>> llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
>>> class State(TypedDict):
...     question: str
...     answer: str
>>> async def node_a(state: State):
...     response = await llm.ainvoke(state["question"])
...     return {"answer": response.content}
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("a", node_a)
>>> builder.add_edge(START, "a")
>>> graph = builder.compile()

>>> for event in{"question": "What is the capital of France?"}, stream_mode="messages"):
...     print(event)
(AIMessageChunk(content='The', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {'langgraph_step': 1, 'langgraph_node': 'a', 'langgraph_triggers': ['start:a'], 'langgraph_path': ('__pregel_pull', 'a'), 'langgraph_checkpoint_ns': '...', 'checkpoint_ns': '...', 'ls_provider': 'openai', 'ls_model_name': 'gpt-4o-mini', 'ls_model_type': 'chat', 'ls_temperature': 0.7})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' capital', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {'langgraph_step': 1, 'langgraph_node': 'a', 'langgraph_triggers': ['start:a'], ...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' of', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' France', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' is', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})
(AIMessageChunk(content=' Paris', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='...'), {...})

invoke(input: Union[dict[str, Any], Any], config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, stream_mode: StreamMode = 'values', output_keys: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_before: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_after: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

Run the graph with a single input and config.


  • input (Union[dict[str, Any], Any]) –

    The input data for the graph. It can be a dictionary or any other type.

  • config (Optional[RunnableConfig], default: None ) –

    Optional. The configuration for the graph run.

  • stream_mode (StreamMode, default: 'values' ) –

    Optional[str]. The stream mode for the graph run. Default is "values".

  • output_keys (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The output keys to retrieve from the graph run.

  • interrupt_before (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The nodes to interrupt the graph run before.

  • interrupt_after (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The nodes to interrupt the graph run after.

  • debug (Optional[bool], default: None ) –

    Optional. Enable debug mode for the graph run.

  • **kwargs (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional keyword arguments to pass to the graph run.


  • Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

    The output of the graph run. If stream_mode is "values", it returns the latest output.

  • Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

    If stream_mode is not "values", it returns a list of output chunks.

ainvoke(input: Union[dict[str, Any], Any], config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, *, stream_mode: StreamMode = 'values', output_keys: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_before: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, interrupt_after: Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]] = None, debug: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[dict[str, Any], Any] async

Asynchronously invoke the graph on a single input.


  • input (Union[dict[str, Any], Any]) –

    The input data for the computation. It can be a dictionary or any other type.

  • config (Optional[RunnableConfig], default: None ) –

    Optional. The configuration for the computation.

  • stream_mode (StreamMode, default: 'values' ) –

    Optional. The stream mode for the computation. Default is "values".

  • output_keys (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The output keys to include in the result. Default is None.

  • interrupt_before (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The nodes to interrupt before. Default is None.

  • interrupt_after (Optional[Union[All, Sequence[str]]], default: None ) –

    Optional. The nodes to interrupt after. Default is None.

  • debug (Optional[bool], default: None ) –

    Optional. Whether to enable debug mode. Default is None.

  • **kwargs (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional keyword arguments.


  • Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

    The result of the computation. If stream_mode is "values", it returns the latest value.

  • Union[dict[str, Any], Any]

    If stream_mode is "chunks", it returns a list of chunks.

add_messages(left: Messages, right: Messages, *, format: Optional[Literal['langchain-openai']] = None) -> Messages

Merges two lists of messages, updating existing messages by ID.

By default, this ensures the state is "append-only", unless the new message has the same ID as an existing message.


  • left (Messages) –

    The base list of messages.

  • right (Messages) –

    The list of messages (or single message) to merge into the base list.

  • format (Optional[Literal['langchain-openai']], default: None ) –

    The format to return messages in. If None then messages will be returned as is. If 'langchain-openai' then messages will be returned as BaseMessage objects with their contents formatted to match OpenAI message format, meaning contents can be string, 'text' blocks, or 'image_url' blocks and tool responses are returned as their own ToolMessages.

    REQUIREMENT: Must have langchain-core>=0.3.11 installed to use this feature.


  • Messages

    A new list of messages with the messages from right merged into left.

  • Messages

    If a message in right has the same ID as a message in left, the

  • Messages

    message from right will replace the message from left.


>>> from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, HumanMessage
>>> msgs1 = [HumanMessage(content="Hello", id="1")]
>>> msgs2 = [AIMessage(content="Hi there!", id="2")]
>>> add_messages(msgs1, msgs2)
[HumanMessage(content='Hello', id='1'), AIMessage(content='Hi there!', id='2')]

>>> msgs1 = [HumanMessage(content="Hello", id="1")]
>>> msgs2 = [HumanMessage(content="Hello again", id="1")]
>>> add_messages(msgs1, msgs2)
[HumanMessage(content='Hello again', id='1')]

>>> from typing import Annotated
>>> from typing_extensions import TypedDict
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph
>>> class State(TypedDict):
...     messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("chatbot", lambda state: {"messages": [("assistant", "Hello")]})
>>> builder.set_entry_point("chatbot")
>>> builder.set_finish_point("chatbot")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
>>> graph.invoke({})
{'messages': [AIMessage(content='Hello', id=...)]}

>>> from typing import Annotated
>>> from typing_extensions import TypedDict
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, add_messages
>>> class State(TypedDict):
...     messages: Annotated[list, add_messages(format='langchain-openai')]
>>> def chatbot_node(state: State) -> list:
...     return {"messages": [
...         {
...             "role": "user",
...             "content": [
...                 {
...                     "type": "text",
...                     "text": "Here's an image:",
...                     "cache_control": {"type": "ephemeral"},
...                 },
...                 {
...                     "type": "image",
...                     "source": {
...                         "type": "base64",
...                         "media_type": "image/jpeg",
...                         "data": "1234",
...                     },
...                 },
...             ]
...         },
...     ]}
>>> builder = StateGraph(State)
>>> builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot_node)
>>> builder.set_entry_point("chatbot")
>>> builder.set_finish_point("chatbot")
>>> graph = builder.compile()
>>> graph.invoke({"messages": []})
    'messages': [
                {"type": "text", "text": "Here's an image:"},
                    "type": "image_url",
                    "image_url": {"url": ""},

..versionchanged:: 0.2.61

Support for 'format="langchain-openai"' flag added.
