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🚀 LangGraph 快速入门


回答常见问题 通过搜索网络 ✅ 维护通话状态 跨越多个通话 ✅ 路由复杂查询 到人工进行审核 ✅ 使用自定义状态 来控制其行为 ✅ 回溯和探索 替代的对话路径




%%capture --no-stderr
%pip install -U langgraph langsmith langchain_anthropic
import getpass
import os

def _set_env(var: str):
    if not os.environ.get(var):
        os.environ[var] = getpass.getpass(f"{var}: ")







from typing import Annotated

from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages

class State(TypedDict):
    # Messages have the type "list". The `add_messages` function
    # in the annotation defines how this state key should be updated
    # (in this case, it appends messages to the list, rather than overwriting them)
    messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]

graph_builder = StateGraph(State)

API Reference: StateGraph | START | END | add_messages


  1. 每个节点可以接收当前的状态作为输入,并输出状态的更新。
  2. 更新消息将追加到现有列表中,而不是覆盖它,这得益于预构建的add_messages函数与Annotated语法一起使用。




from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic

llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")

def chatbot(state: State):
    return {"messages": [llm.invoke(state["messages"])]}

# The first argument is the unique node name
# The second argument is the function or object that will be called whenever
# the node is used.
graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)

API Reference: ChatAnthropic

注意 chatbot 节点函数如何将当前的 State 作为输入,并返回一个包含更新后的 messages 列表的字典,该列表的键为 "messages"。这是所有 LangGraph 节点函数的基本模式。

在我们的 State 中,add_messages 函数会将大语言模型(LLM)的响应消息追加到当前状态中已有的消息列表中。

接下来,添加一个 entry 点。这告诉我们的图**每次运行时从哪里开始工作**。

graph_builder.add_edge(START, "chatbot")

同样,设置一个 finish 点。这指示图表 “每次运行此节点时,都可以退出。”

graph_builder.add_edge("chatbot", END)


graph = graph_builder.compile()


from IPython.display import Image, display

except Exception:
    # This requires some extra dependencies and is optional


提示: 您可以在任何时候通过输入"quit"、"exit"或"q"来退出聊天循环。

def stream_graph_updates(user_input: str):
    for event in{"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": user_input}]}):
        for value in event.values():
            print("Assistant:", value["messages"][-1].content)

while True:
        user_input = input("User: ")
        if user_input.lower() in ["quit", "exit", "q"]:

        # fallback if input() is not available
        user_input = "What do you know about LangGraph?"
        print("User: " + user_input)
Assistant: LangGraph is a library designed to help build stateful multi-agent applications using language models. It provides tools for creating workflows and state machines to coordinate multiple AI agents or language model interactions. LangGraph is built on top of LangChain, leveraging its components while adding graph-based coordination capabilities. It's particularly useful for developing more complex, stateful AI applications that go beyond simple query-response interactions.
恭喜! 您已使用LangGraph构建了自己的第一个聊天机器人。此机器人可以通过接收用户输入并使用LLM生成响应来参与基本对话。您可以通过提供的链接查看上述调用的LangSmith Trace




from typing import Annotated

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.graph import StateGraph
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]

graph_builder = StateGraph(State)

llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")

def chatbot(state: State):
    return {"messages": [llm.invoke(state["messages"])]}

# The first argument is the unique node name
# The second argument is the function or object that will be called whenever
# the node is used.
graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)
graph = graph_builder.compile()
API Reference: ChatAnthropic | StateGraph | add_messages

第2部分:🛠️ 使用工具增强聊天机器人





%%capture --no-stderr
%pip install -U tavily-python langchain_community

TAVILY_API_KEY:  ········

from import TavilySearchResults

tool = TavilySearchResults(max_results=2)
tools = [tool]
tool.invoke("What's a 'node' in LangGraph?")

API Reference: TavilySearchResults

[{'url': '',
  'content': 'Nodes: Nodes are the building blocks of your LangGraph. Each node represents a function or a computation step. You define nodes to perform specific tasks, such as processing input, making ...'},
 {'url': '',
  'content': 'Nodes (Tasks): Nodes are like the workstations on the assembly line. Each node performs a specific task on the product. In LangGraph, nodes are Python functions that take the current state, do some work, and return an updated state. Next, we define the nodes, each representing a task in our sandwich-making process.'}]



from typing import Annotated

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]

graph_builder = StateGraph(State)

llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")
# Modification: tell the LLM which tools it can call
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)

def chatbot(state: State):
    return {"messages": [llm_with_tools.invoke(state["messages"])]}

graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)

API Reference: ChatAnthropic | StateGraph | START | END | add_messages


下面,我们实现了一个BasicToolNode,它检查状态中的最新消息,并在消息包含tool_calls时调用工具。它依赖于LLM的tool_calling支持,该功能在Anthropic、OpenAI、Google Gemini以及其他许多LLM提供商中可用。


import json

from langchain_core.messages import ToolMessage

class BasicToolNode:
    """A node that runs the tools requested in the last AIMessage."""

    def __init__(self, tools: list) -> None:
        self.tools_by_name = { tool for tool in tools}

    def __call__(self, inputs: dict):
        if messages := inputs.get("messages", []):
            message = messages[-1]
            raise ValueError("No message found in input")
        outputs = []
        for tool_call in message.tool_calls:
            tool_result = self.tools_by_name[tool_call["name"]].invoke(
        return {"messages": outputs}

tool_node = BasicToolNode(tools=[tool])
graph_builder.add_node("tools", tool_node)

API Reference: ToolMessage






def route_tools(
    state: State,
    Use in the conditional_edge to route to the ToolNode if the last message
    has tool calls. Otherwise, route to the end.
    if isinstance(state, list):
        ai_message = state[-1]
    elif messages := state.get("messages", []):
        ai_message = messages[-1]
        raise ValueError(f"No messages found in input state to tool_edge: {state}")
    if hasattr(ai_message, "tool_calls") and len(ai_message.tool_calls) > 0:
        return "tools"
    return END

# The `tools_condition` function returns "tools" if the chatbot asks to use a tool, and "END" if
# it is fine directly responding. This conditional routing defines the main agent loop.
    # The following dictionary lets you tell the graph to interpret the condition's outputs as a specific node
    # It defaults to the identity function, but if you
    # want to use a node named something else apart from "tools",
    # You can update the value of the dictionary to something else
    # e.g., "tools": "my_tools"
    {"tools": "tools", END: END},
# Any time a tool is called, we return to the chatbot to decide the next step
graph_builder.add_edge("tools", "chatbot")
graph_builder.add_edge(START, "chatbot")
graph = graph_builder.compile()




from IPython.display import Image, display

except Exception:
    # This requires some extra dependencies and is optional


while True:
        user_input = input("User: ")
        if user_input.lower() in ["quit", "exit", "q"]:

        # fallback if input() is not available
        user_input = "What do you know about LangGraph?"
        print("User: " + user_input)
Assistant: [{'text': "To provide you with accurate and up-to-date information about LangGraph, I'll need to search for the latest details. Let me do that for you.", 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01Q588CszHaSvvP2MxRq9zRD', 'input': {'query': 'LangGraph AI tool information'}, 'name': 'tavily_search_results_json', 'type': 'tool_use'}]
Assistant: [{"url": "", "content": "LangGraph sets the foundation for how we can build and scale AI workloads \u2014 from conversational agents, complex task automation, to custom LLM-backed experiences that 'just work'. The next chapter in building complex production-ready features with LLMs is agentic, and with LangGraph and LangSmith, LangChain delivers an out-of-the-box solution ..."}, {"url": "", "content": "Overview. LangGraph is a library for building stateful, multi-actor applications with LLMs, used to create agent and multi-agent workflows. Compared to other LLM frameworks, it offers these core benefits: cycles, controllability, and persistence. LangGraph allows you to define flows that involve cycles, essential for most agentic architectures ..."}]
Assistant: Based on the search results, I can provide you with information about LangGraph:

1. Purpose:
   LangGraph is a library designed for building stateful, multi-actor applications with Large Language Models (LLMs). It's particularly useful for creating agent and multi-agent workflows.

2. Developer:
   LangGraph is developed by LangChain, a company known for its tools and frameworks in the AI and LLM space.

3. Key Features:
   - Cycles: LangGraph allows the definition of flows that involve cycles, which is essential for most agentic architectures.
   - Controllability: It offers enhanced control over the application flow.
   - Persistence: The library provides ways to maintain state and persistence in LLM-based applications.

4. Use Cases:
   LangGraph can be used for various applications, including:
   - Conversational agents
   - Complex task automation
   - Custom LLM-backed experiences

5. Integration:
   LangGraph works in conjunction with LangSmith, another tool by LangChain, to provide an out-of-the-box solution for building complex, production-ready features with LLMs.

6. Significance:
   LangGraph is described as setting the foundation for building and scaling AI workloads. It's positioned as a key tool in the next chapter of LLM-based application development, particularly in the realm of agentic AI.

7. Availability:
   LangGraph is open-source and available on GitHub, which suggests that developers can access and contribute to its codebase.

8. Comparison to Other Frameworks:
   LangGraph is noted to offer unique benefits compared to other LLM frameworks, particularly in its ability to handle cycles, provide controllability, and maintain persistence.

LangGraph appears to be a significant tool in the evolving landscape of LLM-based application development, offering developers new ways to create more complex, stateful, and interactive AI systems.
恭喜! 您已经在langgraph中创建了一个会话代理,该代理可以在需要时使用搜索引擎检索更新的信息。现在它可以处理更广泛的用户查询。要检查您的代理刚刚执行的所有步骤,请查看这个LangSmith跟踪




from typing import Annotated

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from import TavilySearchResults
from langchain_core.messages import BaseMessage
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.graph import StateGraph
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode, tools_condition

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]

graph_builder = StateGraph(State)

tool = TavilySearchResults(max_results=2)
tools = [tool]
llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)

def chatbot(state: State):
    return {"messages": [llm_with_tools.invoke(state["messages"])]}

graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)

tool_node = ToolNode(tools=[tool])
graph_builder.add_node("tools", tool_node)

# 每当调用工具时,我们都会返回到聊天机器人以决定下一步
graph_builder.add_edge("tools", "chatbot")
graph = graph_builder.compile()
API Reference: ChatAnthropic | TavilySearchResults | BaseMessage | StateGraph | add_messages | ToolNode | tools_condition



LangGraph 通过 持久检查点 来解决这个问题。如果您在编译图时提供了一个 checkpointer,并且在调用图时提供了一个 thread_id,LangGraph 将自动在每一步后保存状态。当您使用相同的 thread_id 再次调用图时,图将加载其保存的状态,从而使聊天机器人可以从上次中断的地方继续。

我们将在后面看到,检查点 的功能远比简单的聊天记忆强大得多——它可以让您在任何时候保存和恢复复杂的状态,以实现错误恢复、人机交互工作流、时间旅行交互等功能。但在我们过于超前之前,让我们添加检查点以支持多轮对话。

首先,创建一个 MemorySaver 检查点。

from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver

memory = MemorySaver()

API Reference: MemorySaver

注意 我们使用的是内存中的检查点。这在教程中很方便(它将所有内容都保存在内存中)。但在生产应用中,你可能会将其改为使用 SqliteSaverPostgresSaver 并连接到自己的数据库。

接下来定义图。既然你已经构建了自己的 BasicToolNode,我们将用 LangGraph 的预构建 ToolNodetools_condition 来替换它,因为这些可以做一些很好的事情,比如并行 API 执行。除此之外,以下内容都来自第二部分。

from typing import Annotated

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from import TavilySearchResults
from langchain_core.messages import BaseMessage
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode, tools_condition

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]

graph_builder = StateGraph(State)

tool = TavilySearchResults(max_results=2)
tools = [tool]
llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)

def chatbot(state: State):
    return {"messages": [llm_with_tools.invoke(state["messages"])]}

graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)

tool_node = ToolNode(tools=[tool])
graph_builder.add_node("tools", tool_node)

# Any time a tool is called, we return to the chatbot to decide the next step
graph_builder.add_edge("tools", "chatbot")
graph_builder.add_edge(START, "chatbot")

API Reference: ChatAnthropic | TavilySearchResults | BaseMessage | StateGraph | START | END | add_messages | ToolNode | tools_condition


graph = graph_builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)


from IPython.display import Image, display

except Exception:
    # This requires some extra dependencies and is optional


config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1"}}


user_input = "Hi there! My name is Will."

# The config is the **second positional argument** to stream() or invoke()!
events =
    {"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": user_input}]},
for event in events:
================================ Human Message =================================

Hi there! My name is Will.
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Hello Will! It's nice to meet you. How can I assist you today? Is there anything specific you'd like to know or discuss?
注意: 在调用我们的图时,配置被提供为**第二个位置参数**。重要的是,它并没有嵌套在图的输入中 ({'messages': []})。


user_input = "Remember my name?"

# The config is the **second positional argument** to stream() or invoke()!
events =
    {"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": user_input}]},
for event in events:
================================ Human Message =================================

Remember my name?
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Of course, I remember your name, Will. I always try to pay attention to important details that users share with me. Is there anything else you'd like to talk about or any questions you have? I'm here to help with a wide range of topics or tasks.


# The only difference is we change the `thread_id` here to "2" instead of "1"
events =
    {"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": user_input}]},
    {"configurable": {"thread_id": "2"}},
for event in events:
================================ Human Message =================================

Remember my name?
================================== Ai Message ==================================

I apologize, but I don't have any previous context or memory of your name. As an AI assistant, I don't retain information from past conversations. Each interaction starts fresh. Could you please tell me your name so I can address you properly in this conversation?


snapshot = graph.get_state(config)
StateSnapshot(values={'messages': [HumanMessage(content='Hi there! My name is Will.', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='8c1ca919-c553-4ebf-95d4-b59a2d61e078'), AIMessage(content="Hello Will! It's nice to meet you. How can I assist you today? Is there anything specific you'd like to know or discuss?", additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={'id': 'msg_01WTQebPhNwmMrmmWojJ9KXJ', 'model': 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620', 'stop_reason': 'end_turn', 'stop_sequence': None, 'usage': {'input_tokens': 405, 'output_tokens': 32}}, id='run-58587b77-8c82-41e6-8a90-d62c444a261d-0', usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 405, 'output_tokens': 32, 'total_tokens': 437}), HumanMessage(content='Remember my name?', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='daba7df6-ad75-4d6b-8057-745881cea1ca'), AIMessage(content="Of course, I remember your name, Will. I always try to pay attention to important details that users share with me. Is there anything else you'd like to talk about or any questions you have? I'm here to help with a wide range of topics or tasks.", additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={'id': 'msg_01E41KitY74HpENRgXx94vag', 'model': 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620', 'stop_reason': 'end_turn', 'stop_sequence': None, 'usage': {'input_tokens': 444, 'output_tokens': 58}}, id='run-ffeaae5c-4d2d-4ddb-bd59-5d5cbf2a5af8-0', usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 444, 'output_tokens': 58, 'total_tokens': 502})]}, next=(), config={'configurable': {'thread_id': '1', 'checkpoint_ns': '', 'checkpoint_id': '1ef7d06e-93e0-6acc-8004-f2ac846575d2'}}, metadata={'source': 'loop', 'writes': {'chatbot': {'messages': [AIMessage(content="Of course, I remember your name, Will. I always try to pay attention to important details that users share with me. Is there anything else you'd like to talk about or any questions you have? I'm here to help with a wide range of topics or tasks.", additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={'id': 'msg_01E41KitY74HpENRgXx94vag', 'model': 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620', 'stop_reason': 'end_turn', 'stop_sequence': None, 'usage': {'input_tokens': 444, 'output_tokens': 58}}, id='run-ffeaae5c-4d2d-4ddb-bd59-5d5cbf2a5af8-0', usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 444, 'output_tokens': 58, 'total_tokens': 502})]}}, 'step': 4, 'parents': {}}, created_at='2024-09-27T19:30:10.820758+00:00', parent_config={'configurable': {'thread_id': '1', 'checkpoint_ns': '', 'checkpoint_id': '1ef7d06e-859f-6206-8003-e1bd3c264b8f'}}, tasks=())  # (since the graph ended this turn, `next` is empty. If you fetch a state from within a graph invocation, next tells which node will execute next)


恭喜! 您的聊天机器人现在可以借助LangGraph的检查点系统,在会话之间保持对话状态。这为更自然、更具情境性的交互提供了令人兴奋的可能性。LangGraph的检查点系统甚至可以处理**任意复杂的图状态**,这比简单的聊天记忆要更具表现力和强大得多。




from typing import Annotated

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from import TavilySearchResults
from langchain_core.messages import BaseMessage
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]

graph_builder = StateGraph(State)

tool = TavilySearchResults(max_results=2)
tools = [tool]
llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)

def chatbot(state: State):
    return {"messages": [llm_with_tools.invoke(state["messages"])]}

graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)

tool_node = ToolNode(tools=[tool])
graph_builder.add_node("tools", tool_node)

graph_builder.add_edge("tools", "chatbot")
memory = MemorySaver()
graph = graph_builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)
API Reference: ChatAnthropic | TavilySearchResults | BaseMessage | MemorySaver | StateGraph | add_messages | ToolNode





from typing import Annotated

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from import TavilySearchResults
from import tool
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode, tools_condition

from langgraph.types import Command, interrupt

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]

graph_builder = StateGraph(State)

def human_assistance(query: str) -> str:
    """Request assistance from a human."""
    human_response = interrupt({"query": query})
    return human_response["data"]

tool = TavilySearchResults(max_results=2)
tools = [tool, human_assistance]
llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)

def chatbot(state: State):
    message = llm_with_tools.invoke(state["messages"])
    # Because we will be interrupting during tool execution,
    # we disable parallel tool calling to avoid repeating any
    # tool invocations when we resume.
    assert len(message.tool_calls) <= 1
    return {"messages": [message]}

graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)

tool_node = ToolNode(tools=tools)
graph_builder.add_node("tools", tool_node)

graph_builder.add_edge("tools", "chatbot")
graph_builder.add_edge(START, "chatbot")

API Reference: ChatAnthropic | TavilySearchResults | tool | MemorySaver | StateGraph | START | END | add_messages | ToolNode | tools_condition | Command | interrupt




memory = MemorySaver()

graph = graph_builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)


from IPython.display import Image, display

except Exception:
    # This requires some extra dependencies and is optional


user_input = "I need some expert guidance for building an AI agent. Could you request assistance for me?"
config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1"}}

events =
    {"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": user_input}]},
for event in events:
    if "messages" in event:
================================ Human Message =================================

I need some expert guidance for building an AI agent. Could you request assistance for me?
================================== Ai Message ==================================

[{'text': "Certainly! I'd be happy to request expert assistance for you regarding building an AI agent. To do this, I'll use the human_assistance function to relay your request. Let me do that for you now.", 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01ABUqneqnuHNuo1vhfDFQCW', 'input': {'query': 'A user is requesting expert guidance for building an AI agent. Could you please provide some expert advice or resources on this topic?'}, 'name': 'human_assistance', 'type': 'tool_use'}]
Tool Calls:
  human_assistance (toolu_01ABUqneqnuHNuo1vhfDFQCW)
 Call ID: toolu_01ABUqneqnuHNuo1vhfDFQCW
    query: A user is requesting expert guidance for building an AI agent. Could you please provide some expert advice or resources on this topic?

snapshot = graph.get_state(config)


def human_assistance(query: str) -> str:
    human_response = interrupt({"query": query})
    return human_response["data"]



human_response = (
    "We, the experts are here to help! We'd recommend you check out LangGraph to build your agent."
    " It's much more reliable and extensible than simple autonomous agents."

human_command = Command(resume={"data": human_response})

events =, config, stream_mode="values")
for event in events:
    if "messages" in event:
================================== Ai Message ==================================

[{'text': "Certainly! I'd be happy to request expert assistance for you regarding building an AI agent. To do this, I'll use the human_assistance function to relay your request. Let me do that for you now.", 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01ABUqneqnuHNuo1vhfDFQCW', 'input': {'query': 'A user is requesting expert guidance for building an AI agent. Could you please provide some expert advice or resources on this topic?'}, 'name': 'human_assistance', 'type': 'tool_use'}]
Tool Calls:
  human_assistance (toolu_01ABUqneqnuHNuo1vhfDFQCW)
 Call ID: toolu_01ABUqneqnuHNuo1vhfDFQCW
    query: A user is requesting expert guidance for building an AI agent. Could you please provide some expert advice or resources on this topic?
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: human_assistance

We, the experts are here to help! We'd recommend you check out LangGraph to build your agent. It's much more reliable and extensible than simple autonomous agents.
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Thank you for your patience. I've received some expert advice regarding your request for guidance on building an AI agent. Here's what the experts have suggested:

The experts recommend that you look into LangGraph for building your AI agent. They mention that LangGraph is a more reliable and extensible option compared to simple autonomous agents.

LangGraph is likely a framework or library designed specifically for creating AI agents with advanced capabilities. Here are a few points to consider based on this recommendation:

1. Reliability: The experts emphasize that LangGraph is more reliable than simpler autonomous agent approaches. This could mean it has better stability, error handling, or consistent performance.

2. Extensibility: LangGraph is described as more extensible, which suggests that it probably offers a flexible architecture that allows you to easily add new features or modify existing ones as your agent's requirements evolve.

3. Advanced capabilities: Given that it's recommended over "simple autonomous agents," LangGraph likely provides more sophisticated tools and techniques for building complex AI agents.

To get started with LangGraph, you might want to:

1. Search for the official LangGraph documentation or website to learn more about its features and how to use it.
2. Look for tutorials or guides specifically focused on building AI agents with LangGraph.
3. Check if there are any community forums or discussion groups where you can ask questions and get support from other developers using LangGraph.

If you'd like more specific information about LangGraph or have any questions about this recommendation, please feel free to ask, and I can request further assistance from the experts.

恭喜! 您使用了一个中断来为聊天机器人添加了人机交互执行,允许在需要时进行人工监督和干预。这为您使用AI系统创建的潜在UI打开了新的可能性。由于我们已经添加了一个**检查点器**,只要底层持久层正在运行,图形可以无限期暂停,并在任何时候恢复,就好像什么也没有发生一样。



from typing import Annotated

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from import TavilySearchResults
from import tool
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode, tools_condition
from langgraph.types import Command, interrupt

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]

graph_builder = StateGraph(State)

def human_assistance(query: str) -> str:
    human_response = interrupt({"query": query})
    return human_response["data"]

tool = TavilySearchResults(max_results=2)
tools = [tool, human_assistance]
llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)

def chatbot(state: State):
    message = llm_with_tools.invoke(state["messages"])
    assert(len(message.tool_calls) <= 1)
    return {"messages": [message]}

graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)

tool_node = ToolNode(tools=tools)
graph_builder.add_node("tools", tool_node)

graph_builder.add_edge("tools", "chatbot")
graph_builder.add_edge(START, "chatbot")

memory = MemorySaver()
graph = graph_builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)
API Reference: ChatAnthropic | TavilySearchResults | tool | MemorySaver | StateGraph | START | END | add_messages | ToolNode | tools_condition | Command | interrupt



from typing import Annotated

from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]
    name: str
    birthday: str

API Reference: add_messages



from langchain_core.messages import ToolMessage
from import InjectedToolCallId, tool

from langgraph.types import Command, interrupt

# Note that because we are generating a ToolMessage for a state update, we
# generally require the ID of the corresponding tool call. We can use
# LangChain's InjectedToolCallId to signal that this argument should not
# be revealed to the model in the tool's schema.
def human_assistance(
    name: str, birthday: str, tool_call_id: Annotated[str, InjectedToolCallId]
) -> str:
    """Request assistance from a human."""
    human_response = interrupt(
            "question": "Is this correct?",
            "name": name,
            "birthday": birthday,
    # If the information is correct, update the state as-is.
    if human_response.get("correct", "").lower().startswith("y"):
        verified_name = name
        verified_birthday = birthday
        response = "Correct"
    # Otherwise, receive information from the human reviewer.
        verified_name = human_response.get("name", name)
        verified_birthday = human_response.get("birthday", birthday)
        response = f"Made a correction: {human_response}"

    # This time we explicitly update the state with a ToolMessage inside
    # the tool.
    state_update = {
        "name": verified_name,
        "birthday": verified_birthday,
        "messages": [ToolMessage(response, tool_call_id=tool_call_id)],
    # We return a Command object in the tool to update our state.
    return Command(update=state_update)

API Reference: ToolMessage | tool | Command | interrupt


from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from import TavilySearchResults

from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode, tools_condition

tool = TavilySearchResults(max_results=2)
tools = [tool, human_assistance]
llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)

def chatbot(state: State):
    message = llm_with_tools.invoke(state["messages"])
    assert len(message.tool_calls) <= 1
    return {"messages": [message]}

graph_builder = StateGraph(State)
graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)

tool_node = ToolNode(tools=tools)
graph_builder.add_node("tools", tool_node)

graph_builder.add_edge("tools", "chatbot")
graph_builder.add_edge(START, "chatbot")

memory = MemorySaver()
graph = graph_builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)

API Reference: ChatAnthropic | TavilySearchResults | MemorySaver | StateGraph | START | END | ToolNode | tools_condition


user_input = (
    "Can you look up when LangGraph was released? "
    "When you have the answer, use the human_assistance tool for review."
config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1"}}

events =
    {"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": user_input}]},
for event in events:
    if "messages" in event:
================================ Human Message =================================

Can you look up when LangGraph was released? When you have the answer, use the human_assistance tool for review.
================================== Ai Message ==================================

[{'text': "Certainly! I'll start by searching for information about LangGraph's release date using the Tavily search function. Then, I'll use the human_assistance tool for review.", 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01JoXQPgTVJXiuma8xMVwqAi', 'input': {'query': 'LangGraph release date'}, 'name': 'tavily_search_results_json', 'type': 'tool_use'}]
Tool Calls:
  tavily_search_results_json (toolu_01JoXQPgTVJXiuma8xMVwqAi)
 Call ID: toolu_01JoXQPgTVJXiuma8xMVwqAi
    query: LangGraph release date
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: tavily_search_results_json

[{"url": "", "content": "We also have a new stable release of LangGraph. By LangChain 6 min read Jun 27, 2024 (Oct '24) Edit: Since the launch of LangGraph Cloud, we now have multiple deployment options alongside LangGraph Studio - which now fall under LangGraph Platform. LangGraph Cloud is synonymous with our Cloud SaaS deployment option."}, {"url": "", "content": "LangChain - Changelog | ☁ 🚀 LangGraph Cloud: Deploy at scale, monitor LangChain LangSmith LangGraph LangChain LangSmith LangGraph LangChain LangSmith LangGraph LangChain Changelog Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date DATE: The LangChain Team LangGraph LangGraph Cloud ☁ 🚀 LangGraph Cloud: Deploy at scale, monitor carefully, iterate boldly DATE: June 27, 2024 AUTHOR: The LangChain Team LangGraph Cloud is now in closed beta, offering scalable, fault-tolerant deployment for LangGraph agents. LangGraph Cloud also includes a new playground-like studio for debugging agent failure modes and quick iteration: Join the waitlist today for LangGraph Cloud. And to learn more, read our blog post announcement or check out our docs. Subscribe By clicking subscribe, you accept our privacy policy and terms and conditions."}]
================================== Ai Message ==================================

[{'text': "Based on the search results, it appears that LangGraph was already in existence before June 27, 2024, when LangGraph Cloud was announced. However, the search results don't provide a specific release date for the original LangGraph. \n\nGiven this information, I'll use the human_assistance tool to review and potentially provide more accurate information about LangGraph's initial release date.", 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01JDQAV7nPqMkHHhNs3j3XoN', 'input': {'name': 'Assistant', 'birthday': '2023-01-01'}, 'name': 'human_assistance', 'type': 'tool_use'}]
Tool Calls:
  human_assistance (toolu_01JDQAV7nPqMkHHhNs3j3XoN)
 Call ID: toolu_01JDQAV7nPqMkHHhNs3j3XoN
    name: Assistant
    birthday: 2023-01-01

human_command = Command(
        "name": "LangGraph",
        "birthday": "Jan 17, 2024",

events =, config, stream_mode="values")
for event in events:
    if "messages" in event:
================================== Ai Message ==================================

[{'text': "Based on the search results, it appears that LangGraph was already in existence before June 27, 2024, when LangGraph Cloud was announced. However, the search results don't provide a specific release date for the original LangGraph. \n\nGiven this information, I'll use the human_assistance tool to review and potentially provide more accurate information about LangGraph's initial release date.", 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01JDQAV7nPqMkHHhNs3j3XoN', 'input': {'name': 'Assistant', 'birthday': '2023-01-01'}, 'name': 'human_assistance', 'type': 'tool_use'}]
Tool Calls:
  human_assistance (toolu_01JDQAV7nPqMkHHhNs3j3XoN)
 Call ID: toolu_01JDQAV7nPqMkHHhNs3j3XoN
    name: Assistant
    birthday: 2023-01-01
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: human_assistance

Made a correction: {'name': 'LangGraph', 'birthday': 'Jan 17, 2024'}
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Thank you for the human assistance. I can now provide you with the correct information about LangGraph's release date.

LangGraph was initially released on January 17, 2024. This information comes from the human assistance correction, which is more accurate than the search results I initially found.

To summarize:
1. LangGraph's original release date: January 17, 2024
2. LangGraph Cloud announcement: June 27, 2024

It's worth noting that LangGraph had been in development and use for some time before the LangGraph Cloud announcement, but the official initial release of LangGraph itself was on January 17, 2024.

snapshot = graph.get_state(config)

{k: v for k, v in snapshot.values.items() if k in ("name", "birthday")}
{'name': 'LangGraph', 'birthday': 'Jan 17, 2024'}



LangGraph 提供了对应用程序状态的高度控制。例如,在任何时刻(包括中断时),我们都可以手动覆盖一个键,使用 graph.update_state 方法:

graph.update_state(config, {"name": "LangGraph (library)"})
{'configurable': {'thread_id': '1',
  'checkpoint_ns': '',
  'checkpoint_id': '1efd4ec5-cf69-6352-8006-9278f1730162'}}


snapshot = graph.get_state(config)

{k: v for k, v in snapshot.values.items() if k in ("name", "birthday")}
{'name': 'LangGraph (library)', 'birthday': 'Jan 17, 2024'}


恭喜! 您已将自定义键添加到状态中,以支持更复杂的工作流,并学会了如何从工具内部生成状态更新。




from typing import Annotated

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from import TavilySearchResults
from langchain_core.messages import ToolMessage
from import InjectedToolCallId, tool
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode, tools_condition
from langgraph.types import Command, interrupt

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]
    name: str
    birthday: str

def human_assistance(
    name: str, birthday: str, tool_call_id: Annotated[str, InjectedToolCallId]
) -> str:
    human_response = interrupt(
            "question": "这是正确的吗?",
            "name": name,
            "birthday": birthday,
    if human_response.get("correct", "").lower().startswith("y"):
        verified_name = name
        verified_birthday = birthday
        response = "正确"
        verified_name = human_response.get("name", name)
        verified_birthday = human_response.get("birthday", birthday)
        response = f"进行了更正:{human_response}"

    state_update = {
        "name": verified_name,
        "birthday": verified_birthday,
        "messages": [ToolMessage(response, tool_call_id=tool_call_id)],
    return Command(update=state_update)

tool = TavilySearchResults(max_results=2)
tools = [tool, human_assistance]
llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)

def chatbot(state: State):
    message = llm_with_tools.invoke(state["messages"])
    assert(len(message.tool_calls) <= 1)
    return {"messages": [message]}

graph_builder = StateGraph(State)
graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)

tool_node = ToolNode(tools=tools)
graph_builder.add_node("tools", tool_node)

graph_builder.add_edge("tools", "chatbot")
graph_builder.add_edge(START, "chatbot")

memory = MemorySaver()
graph = graph_builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)
API Reference: ChatAnthropic | TavilySearchResults | ToolMessage | tool | MemorySaver | StateGraph | START | END | add_messages | ToolNode | tools_condition | Command | interrupt







from typing import Annotated

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from import TavilySearchResults
from langchain_core.messages import BaseMessage
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode, tools_condition

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]

graph_builder = StateGraph(State)

tool = TavilySearchResults(max_results=2)
tools = [tool]
llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)

def chatbot(state: State):
    return {"messages": [llm_with_tools.invoke(state["messages"])]}

graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)

tool_node = ToolNode(tools=[tool])
graph_builder.add_node("tools", tool_node)

graph_builder.add_edge("tools", "chatbot")
graph_builder.add_edge(START, "chatbot")

memory = MemorySaver()
graph = graph_builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)

API Reference: ChatAnthropic | TavilySearchResults | BaseMessage | MemorySaver | StateGraph | START | END | add_messages | ToolNode | tools_condition


config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1"}}
events =
        "messages": [
                "role": "user",
                "content": (
                    "I'm learning LangGraph. "
                    "Could you do some research on it for me?"
for event in events:
    if "messages" in event:
================================ Human Message =================================

I'm learning LangGraph. Could you do some research on it for me?
================================== Ai Message ==================================

[{'text': "Certainly! I'd be happy to research LangGraph for you. To get the most up-to-date and accurate information, I'll use the Tavily search engine to look this up. Let me do that for you now.", 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01BscbfJJB9EWJFqGrN6E54e', 'input': {'query': 'LangGraph latest information and features'}, 'name': 'tavily_search_results_json', 'type': 'tool_use'}]
Tool Calls:
  tavily_search_results_json (toolu_01BscbfJJB9EWJFqGrN6E54e)
 Call ID: toolu_01BscbfJJB9EWJFqGrN6E54e
    query: LangGraph latest information and features
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: tavily_search_results_json

[{"url": "", "content": "LangChain, a leading platform in the AI development space, has released its latest updates, showcasing new use cases and enhancements across its ecosystem. According to the LangChain Blog, the updates cover advancements in LangGraph Cloud, LangSmith's self-improving evaluators, and revamped documentation for LangGraph."}, {"url": "", "content": "With these learnings under our belt, we decided to couple some of our latest offerings under LangGraph Platform. LangGraph Platform today includes LangGraph Server, LangGraph Studio, plus the CLI and SDK. ... we added features in LangGraph Server to deliver on a few key value areas. Below, we'll focus on these aspects of LangGraph Platform."}]
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Thank you for your patience. I've found some recent information about LangGraph for you. Let me summarize the key points:

1. LangGraph is part of the LangChain ecosystem, which is a leading platform in AI development.

2. Recent updates and features of LangGraph include:

   a. LangGraph Cloud: This seems to be a cloud-based version of LangGraph, though specific details weren't provided in the search results.

   b. LangGraph Platform: This is a newly introduced concept that combines several offerings:
      - LangGraph Server
      - LangGraph Studio
      - CLI (Command Line Interface)
      - SDK (Software Development Kit)

3. LangGraph Server: This component has received new features to enhance its value proposition, though the specific features weren't detailed in the search results.

4. LangGraph Studio: This appears to be a new tool in the LangGraph ecosystem, likely providing a graphical interface for working with LangGraph.

5. Documentation: The LangGraph documentation has been revamped, which should make it easier for learners like yourself to understand and use the tool.

6. Integration with LangSmith: While not directly part of LangGraph, LangSmith (another tool in the LangChain ecosystem) now features self-improving evaluators, which might be relevant if you're using LangGraph as part of a larger LangChain project.

As you're learning LangGraph, it would be beneficial to:

1. Check out the official LangChain documentation, especially the newly revamped LangGraph sections.
2. Explore the different components of the LangGraph Platform (Server, Studio, CLI, and SDK) to see which best fits your learning needs.
3. Keep an eye on LangGraph Cloud developments, as cloud-based solutions often provide an easier starting point for learners.
4. Consider how LangGraph fits into the broader LangChain ecosystem, especially its interaction with tools like LangSmith.

Is there any specific aspect of LangGraph you'd like to know more about? I'd be happy to do a more focused search on particular features or use cases.

events =
        "messages": [
                "role": "user",
                "content": (
                    "Ya that's helpful. Maybe I'll "
                    "build an autonomous agent with it!"
for event in events:
    if "messages" in event:
================================ Human Message =================================

Ya that's helpful. Maybe I'll build an autonomous agent with it!
================================== Ai Message ==================================

[{'text': "That's an exciting idea! Building an autonomous agent with LangGraph is indeed a great application of this technology. LangGraph is particularly well-suited for creating complex, multi-step AI workflows, which is perfect for autonomous agents. Let me gather some more specific information about using LangGraph for building autonomous agents.", 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01QWNHhUaeeWcGXvA4eHT7Zo', 'input': {'query': 'Building autonomous agents with LangGraph examples and tutorials'}, 'name': 'tavily_search_results_json', 'type': 'tool_use'}]
Tool Calls:
  tavily_search_results_json (toolu_01QWNHhUaeeWcGXvA4eHT7Zo)
 Call ID: toolu_01QWNHhUaeeWcGXvA4eHT7Zo
    query: Building autonomous agents with LangGraph examples and tutorials
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: tavily_search_results_json

[{"url": "", "content": "Building Autonomous Multi-Tool Agents with Gemini 2.0 and LangGraph | by Youness Mansar | Jan, 2025 | Towards Data Science Building Autonomous Multi-Tool Agents with Gemini 2.0 and LangGraph A practical tutorial with full code examples for building and running multi-tool agents Towards Data Science LLMs are remarkable — they can memorize vast amounts of information, answer general knowledge questions, write code, generate stories, and even fix your grammar. In this tutorial, we are going to build a simple LLM agent that is equipped with four tools that it can use to answer a user’s question. This Agent will have the following specifications: Follow Published in Towards Data Science --------------------------------- Your home for data science and AI. Follow Follow Follow"}, {"url": "", "content": "GitHub - anmolaman20/Tools_and_Agents: This repository provides resources for building AI agents using Langchain and Langgraph. This repository provides resources for building AI agents using Langchain and Langgraph. This repository provides resources for building AI agents using Langchain and Langgraph. This repository serves as a comprehensive guide for building AI-powered agents using Langchain and Langgraph. It provides hands-on examples, practical tutorials, and resources for developers and AI enthusiasts to master building intelligent systems and workflows. AI Agent Development: Gain insights into creating intelligent systems that think, reason, and adapt in real time. This repository is ideal for AI practitioners, developers exploring language models, or anyone interested in building intelligent systems. This repository provides resources for building AI agents using Langchain and Langgraph."}]
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Great idea! Building an autonomous agent with LangGraph is definitely an exciting project. Based on the latest information I've found, here are some insights and tips for building autonomous agents with LangGraph:

1. Multi-Tool Agents: LangGraph is particularly well-suited for creating autonomous agents that can use multiple tools. This allows your agent to have a diverse set of capabilities and choose the right tool for each task.

2. Integration with Large Language Models (LLMs): You can combine LangGraph with powerful LLMs like Gemini 2.0 to create more intelligent and capable agents. The LLM can serve as the "brain" of your agent, making decisions and generating responses.

3. Workflow Management: LangGraph excels at managing complex, multi-step AI workflows. This is crucial for autonomous agents that need to break down tasks into smaller steps and execute them in the right order.

4. Practical Tutorials Available: There are tutorials available that provide full code examples for building and running multi-tool agents. These can be incredibly helpful as you start your project.

5. Langchain Integration: LangGraph is often used in conjunction with Langchain. This combination provides a powerful framework for building AI agents, offering features like memory management, tool integration, and prompt management.

6. GitHub Resources: There are repositories available (like the one by anmolaman20) that provide comprehensive resources for building AI agents using Langchain and LangGraph. These can be valuable references as you develop your agent.

7. Real-time Adaptation: LangGraph allows you to create agents that can think, reason, and adapt in real-time, which is crucial for truly autonomous behavior.

8. Customization: You can equip your agent with specific tools tailored to your use case. For example, you might include tools for web searching, data analysis, or interacting with specific APIs.

To get started with your autonomous agent project:

1. Familiarize yourself with LangGraph's documentation and basic concepts.
2. Look into tutorials that specifically deal with building autonomous agents, like the one mentioned from Towards Data Science.
3. Decide on the specific capabilities you want your agent to have and identify the tools it will need.
4. Start with a simple agent and gradually add complexity as you become more comfortable with the framework.
5. Experiment with different LLMs to find the one that works best for your use case.
6. Pay attention to how you structure the agent's decision-making process and workflow.
7. Don't forget to implement proper error handling and safety measures, especially if your agent will be interacting with external systems or making important decisions.

Building an autonomous agent is an iterative process, so be prepared to refine and improve your agent over time. Good luck with your project! If you need any more specific information as you progress, feel free to ask.

to_replay = None
for state in graph.get_state_history(config):
    print("Num Messages: ", len(state.values["messages"]), "Next: ",
    print("-" * 80)
    if len(state.values["messages"]) == 6:
        # We are somewhat arbitrarily selecting a specific state based on the number of chat messages in the state.
        to_replay = state
Num Messages:  8 Next:  ()
Num Messages:  7 Next:  ('chatbot',)
Num Messages:  6 Next:  ('tools',)
Num Messages:  5 Next:  ('chatbot',)
Num Messages:  4 Next:  ('__start__',)
Num Messages:  4 Next:  ()
Num Messages:  3 Next:  ('chatbot',)
Num Messages:  2 Next:  ('tools',)
Num Messages:  1 Next:  ('chatbot',)
Num Messages:  0 Next:  ('__start__',)


{'configurable': {'thread_id': '1', 'checkpoint_ns': '', 'checkpoint_id': '1efd43e3-0c1f-6c4e-8006-891877d65740'}}
注意,检查点的配置(to_replay.config)包含一个checkpoint_id 时间戳。提供这个checkpoint_id值会让LangGraph的检查点加载器从该时间点加载状态。让我们在下面尝试一下:

# The `checkpoint_id` in the `to_replay.config` corresponds to a state we've persisted to our checkpointer.
for event in, to_replay.config, stream_mode="values"):
    if "messages" in event:
================================== Ai Message ==================================

[{'text': "That's an exciting idea! Building an autonomous agent with LangGraph is indeed a great application of this technology. LangGraph is particularly well-suited for creating complex, multi-step AI workflows, which is perfect for autonomous agents. Let me gather some more specific information about using LangGraph for building autonomous agents.", 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01QWNHhUaeeWcGXvA4eHT7Zo', 'input': {'query': 'Building autonomous agents with LangGraph examples and tutorials'}, 'name': 'tavily_search_results_json', 'type': 'tool_use'}]
Tool Calls:
  tavily_search_results_json (toolu_01QWNHhUaeeWcGXvA4eHT7Zo)
 Call ID: toolu_01QWNHhUaeeWcGXvA4eHT7Zo
    query: Building autonomous agents with LangGraph examples and tutorials
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: tavily_search_results_json

[{"url": "", "content": "Building Autonomous Multi-Tool Agents with Gemini 2.0 and LangGraph | by Youness Mansar | Jan, 2025 | Towards Data Science Building Autonomous Multi-Tool Agents with Gemini 2.0 and LangGraph A practical tutorial with full code examples for building and running multi-tool agents Towards Data Science LLMs are remarkable — they can memorize vast amounts of information, answer general knowledge questions, write code, generate stories, and even fix your grammar. In this tutorial, we are going to build a simple LLM agent that is equipped with four tools that it can use to answer a user’s question. This Agent will have the following specifications: Follow Published in Towards Data Science --------------------------------- Your home for data science and AI. Follow Follow Follow"}, {"url": "", "content": "GitHub - anmolaman20/Tools_and_Agents: This repository provides resources for building AI agents using Langchain and Langgraph. This repository provides resources for building AI agents using Langchain and Langgraph. This repository provides resources for building AI agents using Langchain and Langgraph. This repository serves as a comprehensive guide for building AI-powered agents using Langchain and Langgraph. It provides hands-on examples, practical tutorials, and resources for developers and AI enthusiasts to master building intelligent systems and workflows. AI Agent Development: Gain insights into creating intelligent systems that think, reason, and adapt in real time. This repository is ideal for AI practitioners, developers exploring language models, or anyone interested in building intelligent systems. This repository provides resources for building AI agents using Langchain and Langgraph."}]
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Great idea! Building an autonomous agent with LangGraph is indeed an excellent way to apply and deepen your understanding of the technology. Based on the search results, I can provide you with some insights and resources to help you get started:

1. Multi-Tool Agents:
   LangGraph is well-suited for building autonomous agents that can use multiple tools. This allows your agent to have a variety of capabilities and choose the appropriate tool based on the task at hand.

2. Integration with Large Language Models (LLMs):
   There's a tutorial that specifically mentions using Gemini 2.0 (Google's LLM) with LangGraph to build autonomous agents. This suggests that LangGraph can be integrated with various LLMs, giving you flexibility in choosing the language model that best fits your needs.

3. Practical Tutorials:
   There are tutorials available that provide full code examples for building and running multi-tool agents. These can be invaluable as you start your project, giving you a concrete starting point and demonstrating best practices.

4. GitHub Resources:
   There's a GitHub repository ( that provides resources for building AI agents using both Langchain and Langgraph. This could be a great resource for code examples, tutorials, and understanding how LangGraph fits into the broader LangChain ecosystem.

5. Real-Time Adaptation:
   The resources mention creating intelligent systems that can think, reason, and adapt in real-time. This is a key feature of advanced autonomous agents and something you can aim for in your project.

6. Diverse Applications:
   The materials suggest that these techniques can be applied to various tasks, from answering questions to potentially more complex decision-making processes.

To get started with your autonomous agent project using LangGraph, you might want to:

1. Review the tutorials mentioned, especially those with full code examples.
2. Explore the GitHub repository for hands-on examples and resources.
3. Decide on the specific tasks or capabilities you want your agent to have.
4. Choose an LLM to integrate with LangGraph (like GPT, Gemini, or others).
5. Start with a simple agent that uses one or two tools, then gradually expand its capabilities.
6. Implement decision-making logic to help your agent choose between different tools or actions.
7. Test your agent thoroughly with various inputs and scenarios to ensure robust performance.

Remember, building an autonomous agent is an iterative process. Start simple and gradually increase complexity as you become more comfortable with LangGraph and its capabilities.

Would you like more information on any specific aspect of building your autonomous agent with LangGraph?





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